Expenses Policy

 Expenses Policy

It is acknowledged that volunteers should be encouraged to seek reimbursement for any costs they have incurred in their roles working for AVDS 

Travel and mileage

 (The figures below are the HMRC guidance for volunteer mileage 2021-2022.)


Car   45p per mile 

Motorcycle 24p per mile

Parking charges

Any parking charges incurred while befriending will be fully reimbursed, ideally with a parking ticket as a receipt.

Parking fines

Under no circumstances is AVDS able to reimburse someone who has incurred a parking fine while parked during befriending It is the responsibility of the volunteer to make sure that they always park legally. 


It is currently assumed that any damage to a volunteer’s car caused while conducting befriending would still be covered by their own insurance policy. However, volunteers who use their cars in their volunteering must inform their insurance company about this and provide AVDS with a letter or email as proof of cover.

Public Transport and Rail

AVDS will fully reimburse public transport and rail fares, if authorised, incurred during befriending.


Taxis can be used for various reasons but always with prior approval. Receipts for taxis will always be necessary.

Food / Subsistence

AVDS acknowledges that on occasion a volunteer’s work with the befriended will happen in a venue which demands the spending of money. It is expected that this will nearly always mean a cafe or pub, as opposed to a restaurant. AVDS will on these occasions reimburse the volunteer up to the value of £10.00 on the production of a receipt. 


Where phone calls have to be made that will bring additional costs above the normal budget then these will be considered, and an agreed figure will be agreed.


Any volunteer that incurs costs for stationery, printing, postage, or any other costs incurred in line with their volunteering work will be reimbursed. A receipt must be provided. Reimbursement may sometimes be partial. For example, in the case of printing an agreed estimated cost will be reimbursed as opposed to a replacement cartridge.


Please indicate here which service provider you are using whether it’s a land line or mobile phone provider.

Volunteer name.............................................................

Landline .......................................................................

Mobile ..........................................................................



Telephone number

Length of call

Destination (City or Mobile)

E Newsham
